Why do dogs turn around before lying down?

2023-02-22 16:56:27 By : Mr. Tom Li

Domesticated dogs may have inherited the routine of circling before they lay down from wild dogs.

Have you ever wondered why dogs walk in circles before settling down for a snooze? Here are all the answers you need to understand this peculiar behaviour.

If you share your life with a canine companion you'll no doubt have seen them trying to make their own bed, turning in circles until they get it just right. 

This can be a puzzling sight, especially when they already have a warm and comfortable bed just waiting to be used. In actual fact, there may be more to the behaviour than meets the eye.

Experts believe that the ritual of circling before sleep descends from our dogs' ancestry. This routine is regularly performed by wild wolves, and is thought to have been inherited by the domestic dog in more recent times. 

While dogs living in warm and cosy homes don't need to circle, they have a genetic predisposition to do so, dating back to an evolutionary trait designed to protect from potential predators.

Turning around before lying down helps the pack members to check for any danger, ensuring no stragglers have been left behind.

There is also a theory among wildlife biologists that wolves actually circle in order to find the direction of the wind. By sleeping with their noses to the wind, they can pick up the scent of a threat approaching.

You may have noticed that, even with the heating on and a nice cosy dog bed, your dog still seems to circle before sleep. This doesn't necessarily mean they're cold, but it is believed that their ancestors developed the behaviour to regulate body temperature.

Sleeping curled up in a tight ball is essential to help wild canids survive in cold temperatures. They tuck their tail and nose in close to their body, and by doing so are able to preserve body heat. 

The circling behaviour doesn't only serve a purpose in colder areas. In hotter parts of the world, dogs may circle before lying down to move away some of the hotter soil on the surface, flattening tall grass and removing any insects in the process. This helps to keep the space safe and prevents over-heating.

If you've spent time and effort creating a lovely bed for your dog, you may have wondered if the circling means they don't like it. Rest assured, this is very unlikely to be the case. While they may be rearranging their blankets and pillows for optimal comfort, turning around a few times before lying down is an inherited behaviour first and foremost. It's just hard-wired that this is something they do.

On the other hand, should your dog seem restless and unable to lie down comfortably, this could indicate cause for concern. Repeated circling without settling may be an indicator something else is going on.

As individuals, all dogs have behaviour patterns that are unique to them. What may seem unusual for one dog, could be perfectly normal for another. Some dogs turn around before lying down, others just sink into their snoozing position, and others will nudge every cushion and blanket around until their bed is perfect. 

If you suspect your dog is circling excessively, and doesn't seem able to settle comfortably, this could suggest an underlying medical condition.

Orthopedic disorders such as arthritis can make movement painful. Your dog may find it harder to lower themselves, due to joint pain and stiffness. Thankfully, the pain can usually be controlled through medication prescribed by your veterinarian.

Spinning can also be a sign of obsessive compulsive behaviour resulting from stress. In this case, a behaviour modification plan may need to be put in place, along with the support and expert advice of an animal behaviourist. A dog that circles repeatedly could also be showing signs of canine cognitive dysfunction. Ask your veterinarian for advice.

Trying to understand our canine companions is fascinating, but there are some behaviours that remain somewhat of a mystery. Turning around before lying down may just be one of them - an adorable little quirk we learn to love. 

Greta is a dog behaviour consultant and partnership manager for Wamiz’s adoption platform. Having completed her BSc. in applied animal behaviour, she worked with animal charities in Italy, before moving to Barcelona to study a Masters in animal law. Passionate about the welfare of dogs and cats in rescue, she is currently based in London with Teki, a grumpy but loveable Dachshund mix, and Leila, who arrived as a foster and never left.

While not all dogs do it, many dogs seem to feel the need to circle before they poop. The theories as to why they do this vary, but experts believe there are a number of reasons behind the behaviour. The first, is security. Circling is a good way of checking for predators or any threats in the environment. While there may not be danger in your local park, your dog performs these checks due to inherited behaviours that have been passed down from their ancestors. Once they're sure the coast is clear, they can relax and poop in peace. Your dog may also circle before they poop to clear the area of insects and debris, so they can mark their territory, alerting other dogs in the vicinity to their presence.

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